G400+ Stories Project: ‘Gloucester is Home: Nina Francis Story’ (Video)

❤️NEW VIDEO RELEASE: The story of Nina Francis, Gloucester is Home. Take a moment to listen to the thoughts and memories of Nina Francis, 83, a longtime Gloucester resident of whose family emigrated from Sicily. She’ll share the story of how her ancestors missed one boat coming to America during WWI, but they boarded a second one. The first one never made it, so in this case “missing the boat” turned out to be fortunate for Nina’s family. Nina also shares some thoughts about hostilities towards Italians in WWII, and how this profoundly affected her family. Through ups and downs, good times and bad, and with strong love for her family, Nina is proud to call Gloucester her home.

Thank you to Sal Zerilli and Matthew Bradley for producing this film in partnership with the Gloucester400+ Stories Project. We appreciate your work and your joint mission to tell the stories of Gloucester. Thank you to Nina Francis for sharing her important story.❤️