Online workshop “Gardening for the Zombie Apocalypse” with Backyard Growers – a second session!


It’s spring, and even though it’s the zombie apocalypse out there, we have people to feed! So what to plant? What crops will produce the most food? With the most calories? And the most beneficial nutrients? With the best storage capacity? In the least amount of time?

To find out, register for the second session of our Gardening for the Zombie Apocalypse on-line workshop, which will take place on Tuesday, May 12 from 4-5:30 pm. Your workshop fee of $20 will help support our urgent zombie apocalypse work in the community. You’ll receive an overview on how to:

🌿 Plan a small urban garden for the greatest yield in terms of calories and amounts of veggies
🌿 Maximize small growing spaces with the square foot gardening method and succession planting
🌿 Sheet mulching and container gardening to grow food anywhere
🌿 Harvest water, save seeds, find free local growing resources, and be a general DIY garden ninja
🌿 Cooperate with the humans around you to support yourself and others
🌿 Kill zombies with gardening implements

Click here to purchase tickets.

Zombie Sponsors (1)